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We understand that living with diabetes comes with its unique challenges, and our podcast community is here to support and empower you. Join us as we explore practical advice, share success stories, and connect you with experts who break down the latest developments in diabetes management. Get ready to stay informed, inspired, and equipped to take charge of your health through the power of podcasting.

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youngunsweet hosts


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Newton Ngugi

As a healthcare expert living with type one diabetes since 2013, I've witnessed the lack of accessible quality care. This inspired me to become an advocate for change. Through advocacy training, joining patient-led organizations, and participating in diabetes events, I aim to empower patients. By utilizing social media, raising awareness, and providing education, we can improve outcomes. I truly believe that patients, including myself, have valuable insights to contribute.

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Naomi Nyiha

I'm a web developer and peer educator of diabetes and hypertension. Diagnosed with type one diabetes as a teen, I faced challenges due to a lack of knowledge about the condition. Wanting to understand it better, I realized society is misinformed, leading to high stigmatization rates. This fueled my passion for advocating, raising awareness, and ending stigmatization, discrimination, and complications from poor diabetes management.

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Brian Ekodere

I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 2016. It's been a challenge but nevertheless I've been able to lead a happy, varied life. I enjoy spending time with loved ones, going on cooking excursions, and taking care of animals. My passions include art, innovation, and travel. I studied law and international studies, and I have devoted my professional life to advancing gender issues, and equality, and promoting human rights. I have a strong sense of adaptation and resilience thanks to diabetes.

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Josephine Wambui

Investing in NCDS/type one diabetes is crucial as young people are not only the future of our country but also agents of change and progress. By protecting children and youths with NCDS/type one diabetes, we can make this vision a reality.

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Stella Wangari

I am a registered clinical nutritionist and diabetes advocate. My advocacy journey began in 2020 while volunteering at a county referral hospital's diabetic clinic. Hearing the lived experiences of type one diabetic patients sparked my curiosity and led me to attend diabetes conferences and educate myself further. Joining the Young Unsweet podcast team allows me to educate and raise awareness about type one diabetes through social media.

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Blessings Ndambuki

I'm a trained Health Promotion Officer and advocate for T1D. I represent the young unsweet in Machakos County. My passion lies in patient advocacy, particularly in diabetes. I focus on health education, preventing early complications, and conducting research. I also lead advocacy efforts, facilitate health education, and provide trainings. My goal is to enhance the health literacy of young people with diabetes in Machakos County, as proper health information is crucial in managing chronic illnesses.


The Genesis

The Transition

Debunking diabetes myths and misconceptions



Young Unsweet Participating in the Dessimination of the NCDs Global Chatter

November 2021

With diabetesdoc ke and professor Partha during Kenya Diabetes Study Group conference

June 2022

Young Unsweet memeber in an interview at kirk tv about diabetes as a non-communicable disease

July 2022

Young Unsweet in world-selfcare month meeting hosted by ministry of health of kenya

July 2022

At KDSG 7th annual conference with Arv from Aratus Health

June 2022

Exercise and diabetes with diabetesdoc ke and ShiveSimani

May 2022

With doctor Rosy and doctor Eric during KDSG 7th conference

June 2022

At the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics(FIND) workshop with FIND scientist, Cathy Halden, meant to address the disparity in access to continous glucose monitoring(CGM) through Access to CGM for equity in diabetes managemnt project

March 2023


+254 719 614 757


Nairobi, Kenya

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